Life in Balance

Through this online art blog/gallery we can encourage, inspire and share hope with one another…We invite who you to share your “NAPS” (News, Art ,Poetry, Songs) or inspirations. Email if you would like to share inspirations. Please note we can not post advice with regards to nutrition and exercise.

Kinark Child and Family Services Pledge

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The anti-stigma campaign asks youth, parents, and members of the community to sign our online pledge to support children and youth with mental health issues. This campaign aims to send a message to kids that it is not only important to ask for help, but equally important to support their classmates with mental health issues, and that it is never acceptable to make fun of them.

By signing the pledge, it helps to remove the stigma of mental health, while showing our kids that they are safe to reach out for help.

The pledge consists of three simple promises:

  1. Speak up
  2. Be mindful of the words I use
  3. Be a friend

To sign the pledge visit Kinark’s Website or Kinark’s Facebook Pledge

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