Life in Balance

Through this online art blog/gallery we can encourage, inspire and share hope with one another…We invite who you to share your “NAPS” (News, Art ,Poetry, Songs) or inspirations. Email if you would like to share inspirations. Please note we can not post advice with regards to nutrition and exercise.

A Clearer Image: The Daily

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Taken from an article from The Daily of the University of Washington, this image and article puts eating disorders into perspective. Read the full article here:

Kwong said that while she’s optimistic about improving the perception of eating disorders, she feels mental health issues in general are still often seen as taboo.

“I think it’s important to be able to talk about it,” she said. “It’s the secrecy and shame that’s embedded into eating disorder behavior. If people feel more comfortable … then that opens up the pathway to getting help or seeking whatever the UW can do to create a more open environment.”

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