Life in Balance

Through this online art blog/gallery we can encourage, inspire and share hope with one another…We invite who you to share your “NAPS” (News, Art ,Poetry, Songs) or inspirations. Email if you would like to share inspirations. Please note we can not post advice with regards to nutrition and exercise.

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Photos from our Walk Across Canada

On Saturday July 16th members of the Riverwalk family took part in the Walk Across Canada to raise awareness about eating disorders. The Walk was started in honour of a young woman named Renata, who died due to complications resulting from her eating disorder. On this day, people walk across Canada to remember Renata and the struggle of people living with eating disorders, and to offer support, solidarity, and reduce stigma.




Michelle walks with her dad in Schomberg


Turuna, Michelle, and Ingie walk in Schomberg


Janice takes her walk on Canada’s West Coast in Sidney, British Columbia

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Natalia walks in Niagara on the Lake

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Highland Nest Art by Artist Catherine Faiello

June 30, 2016
By Chris Simon

Source: Aurora Banner

Former art student, Catherine Faiello, enlisted the help of some neighbourhood children to collect fallen branches, sticks and twigs from one of the forested areas on the property. Once collected, she began to create a natural art installation that would catch the eye of those passing by and make them think about the wildlife that lives on the property.

The nest she created sits off the ground, supported by a fallen branch and resembles a nest about five feet in diameter.

Artist Catherine Faiello - Highland nest art Wed June 15 18 deerhorn cres, Aurora DETAILS/BACKSTORY: Catherine was inspired to speak for the wildlife that will be affected if the proposed development of Highland Gate is approved so she installed an art installation (a large nest) she hopes will make people think when they see it ON SITE CONTACT'S name, cell #, email: Catherine (cell) 514-653-0560